Archive Gallery

These archive pages feature a complete list of artistically restored sets and commissions that have passed through our galleries over the years and moved on to do battle in the homes of discerning collectors and chess enthusiasts throughout the world.

If one of our sets reappears on the market without a signed ‘Certificate of Artistry’ or doesn’t appear within these pages then I would err on the side of caution regarding its authenticity. Special commissions and gifted/traded sets will say this specifically on the CoA.

Our ‘Gold’ signature sets listed during 2019 totalled 19 (nineteen) in all.

Our ‘Silver’ signature sets listed in 2020 totalled 45 (forty-five).

Our ‘Bronze’ signature sets listed in 2021 totalled 41 (forty-one).

Our ‘Copper’ signature sets listed in 2022 totalled 30 (thirty).

“Expectations surpassed with this gorgeous set. Even better than the pictures.
I wish I’d found his site sooner before buying so many modern pieces.”
Cameron K.
(Plymouth, MN)