Hello & Welcome to the Chess Schach!

If you seek perfection in size and form, I advise you to look elsewhere. In many cases these old and battered chessmen were the lost souls, the misfits and mercenaries of the smoke-laden gaming-houses of empires past, whose paths haphazardly collided and intertwined over the tumultuous and innovative years of the last century.
As a chess-artisan, I am merely the ferryman of lives lived and lives yet to be lived …
Email us at thechessschach (at) gmail.com
About The Chess Schach

Meet the Artist
Alan’s artistic abilities and creativity combined with a genuine passion for the game and a willingness to cater to every customer’s needs on a personal basis has earned The Chess Schach a loyal following of collectors and art enthusiasts throughout the world, attracting admirers from all walks of life; lawyers, politicians, actors, authors, musicians, fellow artisans and legendary chess names, such as Anatoly Karpov, Jennifer Shahade and Daniel King.
In 2020 Alan stepped back from his professional career spanning 25 years specializing in bespoke decorative paint, wood and plaster finishes to concentrate on The Chess Schach full time. He emigrated from London, England to Canada in 1997 basing himself in Ontario where he happily resides with his wife, Angie, and a large and growing family of chess pieces.

Meet the Administrator
Angie is a partner at Route 504 PR, based out of Toronto. Well-respected within the entertainment industry, Angie is a seasoned communications and marketing professional who has been ‘bumping elbows’ with music, sport and film celebrities (the ‘talent,’ as she fondly calls them) for over twenty years. A frequent contributor to industry panels and film juries, she also devotes much of her time to mentoring the next generation of publicity professionals. When Angie isn’t gallivanting around the globe organizing film festivals and red carpet events, she has kindly agreed to oversee the time-consuming (and somewhat tedious) administrative duties of THE CHESS SCHACH, which her more ‘artistically minded’ husband is extremely thankful for (believe me!).
Please click on the links below to visit THE GALLERY and have a general poke around! Happy shopping!
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